Metatarsalgia is a foot disorder affecting the joints in the ball of the foot, causing pain and inflammation. Patients often describe the sensation of walking on a stone. This condition can be caused by a person’s anatomy (narrow, high-arched feet or bent, misshapen toes), a systemic condition (excess weight, arthritis, or circulatory problems), certain behaviors (wearing high-heeled or pointy-toed shoes, standing or walking on hard surfaces), or injury (a tight Achilles tendon, pinched nerve, or stress fractures). Calluses often appear under the affected metatarsal joints, which explains the feeling of walking on a stone. In mild cases, changing footwear or using foot pads can help relieve the pain of metatarsalgia. More serious cases may require orthotics or surgery.
We are committed to providing uncompromising excellence in diagnosis and treatment of your foot or ankle problem, as well as in advising you on how to keep your feet healthy. This blog is presented in the interest of better public awareness of the benefits of podiatry. Should the need arise, or if you have questions about podiatric care visit us at one of our Foot & Ankle Centers of Excellence.
P.S. Anti-inflammatory medication can help relieve the inflammation associated with metatarsalgia.