Ingrown Toenails
An ingrown toenail may not sound like a medical concern, but if it’s painful, looks infected, or keeps recurring, you should have a podiatrist take a look. An ingrown toenail occurs when the corner or side has grown into the surrounding skin. While the big toenail is the location where ingrown toenails are most commonly found, all toenails came become ingrown. The area is usually at least somewhat painful and tender, and there’s a risk of infection. If you’re in significant pain, the symptoms are getting worse, or the nail appears to be infected, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
Ingrown toenails usually result from improper grooming. It’s important that you trim your toenails straight across. They may become ingrown if you cut them too short or leave rounded or jagged ends. Other factors that contribute to ingrown toenails include poor foot hygiene, socks or shoes that are too tight, a recently stubbed your toe, and poor posture when walking or standing.
Treatment of ingrown toenails will depend on the severity of which the nail is ingrown, whether there is infection present, and how often the nail has been ingrown. Treatments range from non-invasive care to removal of the ingrown portion of the nail.